Family Planning
Whether you’re thinking of starting a family soon or waiting to get pregnant until “someday,” it’s important to understand the basics of family planning. Family planning is the voluntary planning and action to prevent, delay or achieve pregnancy. It can enable women to have the number of children and spacing between pregnancies they desire, which can positively impact the health and well-being of both women and their families.
The goal of family planning services is to increase planned pregnancies and improve the reproductive health of individuals through increased education and options. Males are also encouraged to participate in family planning and the reproductive health services offered.
If you’re not ready for a baby, family planning services can be beneficial to you. Pregnancy prevention is cheaper than prenatal care! Family planning services include:
Counseling and education
Preconception healthcare, screening, and laboratory tests
Family planning methods (to compare methods side-by-side, click here.)
Natural Family Planning: Also known as the “Fertility Awareness Methods” (FAMs for short) or the “Rhythm Method”
Natural family planning methods help you track your ovulation cycle so you can avoid sex or use an alternate method of birth control such as condoms during your fertile time to prevent pregnancy.
FAMs are a great way to learn about your body, and they can be really effective if you have regular cycles and stay on top of tracking your fertility signs perfectly. Many people who use FAMs also like that there aren’t any side effects. But FAMs can also be difficult to use correctly, and won’t work well if you have an irregular menstrual cycle.
Abstinence: Abstinence is avoiding sexual activity to prevent pregnancy and STDs.
Remember, condoms and abstinence are the only methods of birth control that prevent the transmission of STDs. If you’ve had unprotected sex, be sure to ask your healthcare provider to test you for STDs. If left undetected, STDs can cause infertility and even death.
Family Planning Services: Family planning services offer more than just birth control, and may also include:
Abortion services
HIV testing
LGBT services
Men’s healthcare
Morning-After Pill (Emergency Contraception)
STD testing, treatment, and vaccinations
HPV vaccinations
Women’s healthcare
To access a directory of clinics in the State of Hawaii that provide family planning services, please click here.