Mana Mama
Are you pregnant, thinking about becoming pregnant, or recently had a baby? Is making it to your appointments or figuring out what appointments to make a challenge? Is insurance or transportation an issue that always pops up? Our Nurse Practitioners and Licensed Midwives want to support you through your healthcare journey and are able to provide a variety of clinical procedures and screenings.
What services do we provide? Mana Mama utilizes a midwifery model of care - serving the people of Hawai'i during pregnancy and beyond. This means you can see the same provider throughout your pregnancy and postpartum period, getting your questions answered and collaborating with your primary OB provider. Our midwives do not offer birth services, however they may be available to accompany you in labor, through our Community-Based Doula Program.
Our Goal: "Mana" symbolizes power and strength in Hawaiian and Polynesian cultures. The program fosters a strong foundation for moms, families, and babies through a nurse and midwifery-led community care program, offering preconception/fertility care, prenatal and postpartum visits, and specialty screenings.
We can provide the following services:Â
Confirm pregnancy and estimate due dateÂ
Discuss prenatal nutrition and lifestyle changes, such as diet and exercise
Conduct prenatal appointments where we perform physical exams and check for mother’s and baby’s healthÂ
Order labs, non-invasive prenatal testing and other routine screeningsÂ
Offer any needed vaccinationsÂ
Perform ultrasounds and non-stress tests
Discuss birth and postpartum plans, warning signs, contraception
Conduct postpartum care visits to monitor your health and well-being after childbirth, alongside your baby
Please visit our intake form if you are interested in Mana Mama Pre and Postpartum Care Services.
Oahu, Maui, Hawai'i, Virtually