Aloha, I’m sure we have already met! I am grateful to cross paths with you and to be a steward to care after you as you blossom into new layers of self and mother. Just a little about me in the case we are still learning one another. I am from Hawai'i and grew up in a few Hawaiian cultural practices that have grounded be deeply into a
beautifully woven relationship with Spirit and Mother Earth. I graduated in 2012 from the University of Hawai'i Manoa with a BA in business, all the while, deeply wanting to study natropathic herbal medicine and acupuncture. One thing I have learned, your purpose
is a light that can not be dimmed. In 2012 I dedicated myself to supporting my communities wellbeing through yoga. I am over 1000hrs RYT and E-RYT-200 with Yoga Alliance. In 2015 I attended Hawai'i Massage Academy and have been a LMT with Hawaii since 2017. In 2018 I began many different trainings with Doula Canada and Carriage House Birth with the focus in postpartum care. Maternal wellness has been a passionate thread and focus woven
through all of my trainings. In 2020 I began my journey as a student of home birth midwifery with indie Birth. I am pursuing a CPM through the Portfolio Evaluation Process with NARM (North American Registry of Midwifes). My future plans to further my education and competency will be a pathway towards becoming a CNM (certified nurse midwife) who practices community based home birth in Hawai’i or a pathway towards my DAC (Doctor of Acupuncture). My passions are weaving quality holistic care for the individual and the family unity, acknowledging mind, body and spirit. The spiritual practices I have learned through: Hula, my upbringing with my grandmother who passed down precious practices from her mother and mothers mother, la’au lapa’au, yoga, meditation, massage and energy work are all pillars to my unique quality of care.