Sydnee M
My name is Sydnee Manuma, I am 23 years old, a wife, and mother of 2 under 2. My son is 18 months and my daughter is 6 months; they are my world! From being pregnant with them, I have learned so much and have gained a passion for birth and empowering women to have the most natural and positive birth experience.
My ‘āina is Haleiwa and Waialua, it my ancestral land and where I call “home” even though I live in Ewa Beach with my little family.
I am a born-again Christian, and this is a huge part of my identity and view on birth; that God is with us during birth giving us peace, strength, and a sound mind. My foundation in life is my culture and faith, and it’s the grounding place where I find all understanding and sight on things in my life and going on in the world. I can’t wait to learn everything that this community and HMHB has to offer!