Perinatal Advocacy Network (PAN)

Working together, we can make a difference! HMHB collaborates on many public-private partnerships and conducts quarterly meetings with the Perinatal Advocacy Network (PAN) to inform and educate perinatal stakeholders, public and private partners and communities on issues impacting perinatal health. This is your opportunity to join the discussion to impact change; meetings are open to the public.

Next Meeting: Friday, June 21, 2019, 1:00-3:00 PM at the Kukui Center, 245 N Kukui St., Honolulu, 96817

All activities, discussion and actions are designed to:

  • Improve access to care in the first trimester
  • Reduce low and very low birth weights
  • Promote abstinence from alcohol, cigarette smoking and illicit drug use and decrease postpartum relapse of smoking
  • Increase breastfeeding
  • Increase screening and referral for domestic violence and depression
  • Improve use of contraception to prevent unintended pregnancy
  • Increase preventive education and screening on oral health care and sexually transmitted infections

Want to get involved? Join the Perinatal Advocacy Network!

Perinatal Advocacy Network Meeting Minutes

Perinatal Advocacy Network Meeting – January 11th, 2019

The meeting was streamed at the Video Conference Center in Kamamalu Conference Center and at statewide sites. The meeting was attended by 19 professionals representing 14 perinatal support service agencies statewide.:

  • Panelists from all islands will respond to questions pertaining to specific maternal and child health issues
  • A presentation on Legislative Updates regarding: 2019 perinatal priorities, and Paid Family Leave Coalition activities.
  • A panel presentation consisted of professionals from agencies statewide from Kauai, Oahu, Maui, Lanai and Hawaii Island.

Click to view the agenda and minutes.

Perinatal Advocacy Network Meeting – November 13, 2018

The meeting was streamed at the Video Conference Center in Kapolei and at statewide sites. The meeting was attended by 11 professionals representing 9 perinatal support service agencies statewide.:

  • Panelists from all islands will respond to questions pertaining to specific maternal and child health issues
  • A presentation on Legislative Updates regarding: 2018 perinatal priorities, and Paid Family Leave Coalition activities.
  • A panel presentation consisted of professionals from agencies statewide from Kauai, Oahu, Maui, Lanai and Hawaii Island.

Click to view the agenda and minutes.

Perinatal Advocacy Network Meeting – April 7, 2017

A total of 17 professionals representing over 12 agencies statewide attended the meeting at the State of Hawaii’s Video Conferencing Center from 1:00-3:00pm. The meeting included:

  • An update from the Hawaii Maternal and Infant Health Collaborative (HMIHC) regarding work group updates.
  • A presentation on Legislative Updates regarding: 2017 perinatal priorities, and Paid Family Leave Coalition activities.
  • A panel presentation consisted of professionals from agencies statewide from Kauai, Oahu, Maui, Lanai and Hawaii Island.
  • All panelists participated in presenting updates regarding statewide maternal child health issues: prenatal care, safe sleep, breastfeeding, One Key Question®, long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARC), and screening, brief intervention and referral to treatment (SBIRT).

Click to view the agenda and minutes.

Perinatal Advocacy Network Meeting – September 20, 2016

A total of 24 professionals representing over 10 agencies statewide attended the meeting at the State of Hawaii’s Video Conferencing Center from 1:00-3:00pm. The meeting included:

  • A presentation on the 2017 Legislative Updates: HMIHC Coalition, Planned Parenthood Votes North West (PPVNW) and Paid Family Leave Coalition (PFL) presented on building efforts, focus areas and other maternal and child health issues during this year’s Legislative Session.
  • A panel presentation consisted of professionals from agencies statewide from Maui, Kauai, Oahu, Hawaii Island and Lanai.
  • An update on maternal child health issues regarding: Prenatal Care, Breastfeeding, Safe Sleep, One Key Question, LARC, and SBIRT. Presented by all panelists from statewide agencies.

Click to view the agenda and minutes.

Perinatal Advocacy Network Meeting – March 29, 2016

A total of 19 professionals representing 9 agencies statewide attended the meeting at the State of Hawaii’s Video Conferencing Centers from 1:00-3:00pm. The meeting included:

  • A presentation on the 2016 Legislative Updates: coalition – building efforts and other maternal and child health issues during this year’s Legilsative Session. Presented  by Lisa Kimura, Executive Director, Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies Coalition of Hawaii. Click here to view the Legislative Updates presentation.
  • A presentation on the Zika virus: recommendations for women traveling abroad, how the virus is transmitted, birth defects caused by the virus and discussion about how there are so many questions surrounding Zika but very few answers. Presented by Raul Rudoy, MD, Professor of Pediatrics and Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Unviersity of Hawaii.
  • An update on the Maternal Infant Health Collaberative : One Key Question and SBIRT update. Presented by Lin Joseph, Director of Program Serices, March of Dimes

Click to view the agenda and minutes.

Perinatal Advocacy Network Meeting – October 16, 2015

A total of 16 professionals representing 8 agencies statewide attended the meeting at the State of Hawaii’s Video Conferencing Centers from 1:00-3:00pm. The meeting included:

  • A presentation on the 2015 HMHB Needs Assessment Findings and Tools for Improving Birth Outcomes: Incorporating Text4Baby into Clinical Practice by Lisa Kimura, Executive Director, and Melissa Nagatsuka, Project Coordinator, Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies Coalition of Hawaii. Click here to view the Needs Assessment presentation. Click here to view the Text4Baby presentation.
  • A presentation on Cytomegalovirus (CMV) in Pregnancy, Background and Clinical Recommendation Guidelines by Kelly Yamasato, MD, Fellow, Maternal-Fetal Medicine, University of Hawaii, Dept. Of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Women’s Health. Click here to view the presentation.
  • A discussion on Advocacy Efforts & Upcoming Legislation – including coalition-building efforts and opportunities to advocate for Paid Family Leave, Maternal Mortality Review and other maternal and child health issues during the 2016 Legislative Session.

Click to view the agenda and minutes.

Perinatal Advocacy Network Meeting – February 12, 2015

The agenda included:

  • Introductions and Provider Updates
  • Paid Family Leave and Other 2015 Legislative Issues – Presentation 
  • Disease Prevention and Optimal Nutrition During Pregnancy
  • Exploring New Prenatal Oral Health Resources

Click here to view the full agenda.

Click here to view the minutes.

Perinatal Advocacy Network Meeting – November 7, 2014

A total of 18 professionals representing 12 agencies statewide attended the meeting at the State of Hawaii’s Video Conferencing Centers from 1:00-3:00pm. The meeting included:

  • A presentation on the implementation of the emergency contraception bill passed in 2013 as well as coalition-building efforts and opportunities to advocate for Paid Family Leave and other maternal and child health issues during the 2015 Legislative Session by Catherine Betts, Executive Director of the Hawaii State Commission on the Status of Women. 
  • A presentation on findings and implications of 2014 needs assessments on breastfeeding and postpartum depression support conducted in June 2014 by Lisa Kimura, Executive Director of Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies Coalition of Hawaii.
  • A presentation and facilitated discussion on work group efforts focused on pre and inter-conception care; pregnancy and delivery; and infant health and safety by JoAnn Farnsworth and Don Hayes of the Maternal and Infant Health Collaborative. 
  • A presentation on the Birthplace Hawaii Study by Tetine Sentell, Assistant Professor with the Office of Public Health Studies at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. 

Click to view the agenda and minutes.

Perinatal Advocacy Network Meeting – July 31, 2014

A total of 23 professionals representing 15 agencies statewide attended the meeting at the State of Hawaii’s Video Conferencing Center from 2:00-4:00pm. The meeting included:

  • A recap of the 2014 legislative session and upcoming 2015 legislative efforts
  • An update from providers and the Department of Health
  • A presentation on break time for nursing mothers by Herbert Lee, Community Outreach Specialist with the US Department of Labor, Wage & Hour Division, and Pamela Martin, Administrator of the State of Hawaii’s Wage Standards Division. 
  • A presentation on the Maternal & Infant Health Collaborative: The First 1,000 Days by JoAnn Farnsworth, MA with the State of Hawaii’s Executive Office of Early Learning and Lin Joseph, MPH, Director of Program Services for the March of Dimes Hawaii Chapter.
  • A presentation on depression and anxiety around the time of pregnancy by Emily Roberson, PhD, MPH, with the State of Hawaii’s Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS). 

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